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 about us

in any event is southern california's most exciting and energetic event planning service.

our team of creative professionals have the most innovative ideas and expert planning techniques. our focus is complete attention to every detail to create a flawless and memorable event.

with over 20 years of experience we offer complete event and party planning services each customized for your specific needs, desires and budget. our unique hands on approach assures you that our event coordinator will be available from early planning until the last guest leaves your event.

we would like to offer you a complimentary consultation to determine your vision and combine your thoughts, ideas and style with our professional expertise.

contact us today: (310) 543-1806 or email info@anyeventorparty.com



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in any event...
409 n. pacific coast hwy., ste. 218
redondo beach, ca  90277

tel. (310) 543-1806
fax. (310) 540-0766
e-mail: info@anyeventorparty.com

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